Archive for October 13th, 2016

ZNN Exclusive: Zoe Reed, JFL comments on the Norfolk Attack

Thursday, October 13th, 2016

ZNN’s Sara Allen speaks to Zoe Reed exclusively.

Resdients of Thetford are still recovering from the recent zombie attack in the sleepy Norfolk town. Villages across the region are becoming increasingly flooded with the undead attackers, who experts believe are making their way from the city to the villages in order to feast on the more mature brains of the older residents.

Different vigilante groups are using this as yet another wake up call for people in the local area to sign up to their cause. Zoe Reed, leader of the rebel organisation, Justice for the Living, said ‘its about time the residents of Thetford, like the rest of the UK, woke up to a reality that we are in the middle of an invasion’

‘After the last horrific attack in the County, we must unite and  protect ourselves at all costs. The undead scum are trying to take our lives on a near deadly basis, but we aren’t going to let them take us without a fight’

Mrs Reed was visibly shaken from the recent battle at a Norfolk church but she declined to comment in detail when asked about the affect this has had. Many of her fellow group members were casualties of this attack, including her second-in-command, disgraced former Army sergeant “mad” Mike Brown.

‘The graveyard attack was a minor victory for our team, but we need more recruits if we are going to stop them from further infecting the city. I’ve lost  a lot of people  close to me and I sure as hell aren’t going  to let them take anymore. We urgently need people more people to sign up and join our fight’

There have been no more sightings of the undead in the area in recent weeks, although the militant group are remaining in the town until they find enough new recruits to join their mission against the undead.

Coming up – Zoe Reed , the full story of the graveyard attack


Manchester Attack Report

Thursday, October 13th, 2016

By Alexander Mcintosh   ZNN

30 members of the Greater Manchester Police force were laid to rest yesterday after being attacked by members of the JFL, an incident which was condemned by the Chief of Police as an ‘act of terror.’   Zoe Reed, spokesperson for the “terrorist organsation” told reporters her group was protecting local residents after the officers had been attacked by zombies and could cause serious harm to citizens.

‘My Organisation doesn’t believe in ending lives, just saving them. If we kill any officers, it is because they have transitioned into zombies, not because we feel ‘trigger happy’

‘My thoughts are with the families of the deceased, but if it were not for JFL, the list of casualities would be far higher.  All we’ve done is prove we are far better at handling the undead crisis than the poorly managed authorities, who has caused thirty of their employees to become victims of this attack so carelessly, whilst we handled it better than the Armed Forces, who sent back up that never arrived.’

James Burkenshaw, Chief of Police for Greater Manchester, rubbished Reed’s claim that his officers were attacked.

‘I have one of the strongest police forces in the UK at my disposal, so I don’t believe for one second that they were attacked by zombies. They were doing their duty and member of this terrorist group murdered them in cold blood so they could take control. When the autopsy reports come in, you’ll see who the real enemy is’

‘There were no other casualities in the community- so why are only police officers being laid to rest as victims of a zombie attack? They will claim it is because we are incomptetent and failed to guard the town. But we can’t be that incompetent if the residents of Heywood are safe?’

The news has had widespread effects across the country, as local authorities are threatening imprisonment for JFL members if they don’t leave their districts and cease their anti-zombie operations immediately.

It has been seen as a relief for General Parkinson, who rumours suggest is hoping to start his own “People’s Army” to rival that of Reed’s, in order to calm backlash demanding his resignation.

A helpline has been set up for Family and Friends of the deceased.


Corpze Rebels fight back

Thursday, October 13th, 2016

Zombie on the Rampage

Thursday, October 13th, 2016

Survival Training

Thursday, October 13th, 2016

Axe Throwing Survival Training

Thursday, October 13th, 2016

Newcastle Zombie Outbreak

Thursday, October 13th, 2016